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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Me against Myself (An Interview with me)

...Inquisitive Mind...
1. Why did GOD wait 14.75 billion years, to "create" human life on earth? Was he powerless? If he is then why call him GOD? Why did GOD put millions to death in his name?
2. Why do GOD wants PRAISE ALL THE TIME...? Is he so praise-hungry. that in the vast universe, among 400 billion galaxies..with 200 billion stars each, needs flattering prayer from humans of a small planet?
3. Has God created Life on earth to enjoy eternal matches b/w predator Vs. Preys?? 
4. There are  40000000000000000000000 stars like our 'SUN ' in this universe....Why Is GOD Particularly interested In ours, and particularly more IN OUR SMALL, PALE BLUE PLANET !!
On Religion
 1. Do we pray  GOD so that he is not angry with us & showers his gifts on us?
 Does GOD posses human qualities ? Do he possess human emotions like happy, sad, anger, envy? THERE ARE 50 million other species of LIFE on earth, How come GOD is angry over PREYS & not on PREDATORS ? Why don't other species PRAISE HIM, IF I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN GOD'S PLACE, i would have maximized my flattering praises by making all the species 'praise-doers' !!
2. Are our fates in hand of GOD ?
It automatically postulates that GOD created life on earth !! which poses another question "why does it took GOD so ~ 4.7 billion years to create human life on earth ? Why is GOD interested in our fates on a tiny speck of dust, orbiting a normal G-class star, .in a observable universe where 275 MILLION STARS DIE EACH DAY !!  but he shouldn't take human too seriously like we never take ant's colonies (except some entomologists !!) or answer human prayers or provide better afterlife.  
Or if he is 'supreme Un-imaginative being' controlling lives of everything from bacteria to movement of subatomic particles to quantum mechanical out-comes, then, THIS GOD MUST BE BEYOND ALL, ALL OUR IMAGINATION !! but where to store all those calculations? Where to check 'cosmic recipe' for absolute constants? Why doesn't he provide iota of clue or evidence?? This rips one's head off ! 
3. Why take on Religion? Humans have made it bad not vice-versa?
Religion possess inherent complications. We can't leave it. Its time now that it must be dissected & religion is at fault as it promotes superstition, blind faith & hollow rituals, promotes false hope that god answers the prayers, that prayers can overcome natural/physical disasters, that there is afterlife, that god always keeps an eye, that religion is unquestionable !!.... Religion is at fault whereas humans are not !
Does a newborn has any religion, its religion which makes them extremists/fundamentalist/delusional/full of vested interests.
4. What's the reality?
Even our educated youth stick to those stone-age ideas & non-flexible attitude towards logic & truth, rather than making 'GOD' (Einstein's GOD') superbly grander over universe 1.5 trillion light years in diameter, they think he is too much interested in this pale blue dot ! & human hold special importance ......which is completely wrong & narrow-mindedness !
5. I would rather reassure that there is GOD as i have reason to explain even the inexplicable.......
Things that are reassuring need not be true..rather than reassuring one with a type of Un-imaginative GOD. One need to look at universe without GOD, because God's universe  makes most feel cosy & comfortable (GOD you thou know everything, we are petty enough to peep into your grand cosmic plan ! )  but as once Feynman said, " I am not afraid of idea, being utterly lost in the cosmos". God-less universe makes one feels more in awe; If God unimaginative is there. How was he made??  still he doesn't gives iota of clue or evidence ! or maybe 'GOD' you are mentioning is just a 'quantum fluctuation' (origin of the universe )
6. Maybe God has created the Universe governing from quantum mechanics to cosmology (reassuring, makes less scarier) or MAYBE NOT or God is simply not interested or maybe has shifted its interest to other 'big-bangs' ?
One's Dual disposition is inevitable..But think, we are not evolved or our brain is not wired enough to understand macro levels (1.5 trillion light years universe) or weird world of 'quantum mechanics' (plank's length). Biologically..we were destined to live like any other animal BUT our brain rebelled & Curiosity changed us all together ! We like to have our family bonds & social ties, on which all of us back. It gives us confidence, support & love, much needed to survive. Similarly, we need GOD to soothe humanity's loneliness in the vast 'pitch black' cosmos with 96% dark 'stuff'. To explain the inexplicable. Backing on supernatural creator with an 'intelligent design' or 'eternal plan', right from the big-bang is not conclusive at all. "Universe looks 'scary' without GOD"..BUT..let for a second, go with GOD's universe.. with only 4% visible matter, mighty black holes upto trillion solar masses, pitch black,cold interstellar & Intergalactic Medium, Destructive  Quasars, lymann blobs &  GRB's. Isn't it more hostile ? Does it make it less scarier?
7. Why doubt Religion, which has survived for centuries??
Doubt makes way for all knowledge'. Every generation asks the fundamental question anew again ! then, why can't we ? or Did Ancient Religion makers made religions to shut-up future generation's doubts? I am not talking inhumane or immoral or blasphemous...i am simply being inquisitive or are you satisfied with curiosity all dried up??
8. Maybe everything was pre-recorded in the big-bang. Maybe movement of every particle is going as per 'cosmic/eternal plan?? & consciousness in outside scientific domain & is in spiritual ream....
Nobody has demystified fully the 'consciousness mystery'...but its scientific question & new insights are coming now ' worth read - 'scientific American mind' ----as one says " its all part of a grand plan rather then just random manifestations of chaos...and all these events destined to happen... "..its just a mere hypothesis as  any other religious hypothesis or any other  is !! we can't confirm but its absurd to follow the notion as a standard...as it underestimates power of chaos & does this token of thought makes the universe grandeur than chaotic universe? 
One should always remember, to sort out facts from fiction. We should be open minded but not so much that our brain falls out (heard from Carl Sagan).
9. Cosmic Plan??
I think, with one's predisposition to 'cosmic-plan'...one has to wonder at two things...the un-imaginative GOD & Vast Universe......which really screws one up!! really !! because only one can be perceived as reality the other obscured!!..whereas, in 'chaotic universe' one doesn't back on or predisposes everything to GOD, rather tries to unravel the mystery (may or may not leading to front argument) ! & I can understand 'school of thought' which doesn't allows one to support randomness, which i think is complexity of life or consciousness..but these are completely scientific questions.
10. What is purpose of all life ??
Its is simply to perpetuate one's species or continue the flow of genes from our ancestors billions of years ago to the future..As, human have challenged this evolutionary activity, with just increasing their 'brain capacity' (nothing more).....'purpose of life' has changed..ever increasing curiosity makes us ... to question origins of everything..BUT we are STILL very young species !! We look for pattern in everything (constellations to clouds to face on mars), In universe also we see 'grand cosmic plan'..whereby, reality is,  we hold no importance to universe from which we have arisen..( importance like gravity or space-time does)
11. Spirituality, It is better to be spiritual than being religious?
"spirituality is multi-billion dollar business, exploiting people need for immediate peace of mind ".  Why business of spirituality is so prolific these day, yet it coincide with pseudo-scientific stuff !!
spirituality is intellectual disgrace & non-rationalist view of the world. Its simply the imagination.  things like yoga have creeped up in shade of spirituality !! & what spirituality, which has no logical conclusions ? spirituality is only positive psychological effect just like placebo effect !
12. Why biased against spirituality?
Spirituality involves 'afterlife' , most ridiculous of idea....'unknown vibrations', Near death experiences. eye of the god, supernatural diety answering our prayers or getting soothened by collective payers, off-course biggest of all spirituality pseudo-scientific business is "HOMEOPATHY".!1!! & its pseudo-scientific principle like 'water-memory'. It makes dilution equivalent to  1 drop of substance in an water equal to all oceans of the world ! makes it one of the most ridiculous stuff humans have conceived ! its simply placebo effect & You too can see homeopathy in main stream medical science which is completely WRONG !!! Homeopathy is unscientific, non-testable, has non reproducible results, non-effective & money waster !! & then why then is it so famous?? this can give u answer why spirituality business is on the rise...because one forgets, one of the most imp. activity TO THINK !!
see simple calculation here...You can't ignore it !!!...as You know to achieve minimum dilution, there is 1 molecule/ amount of solvent. 30C solution, used in homeopathy, for minimum 1 molecule of original 'medicine' to be in water (solvent) requires 10 followed by 60 zeros or 30 Billion (or 3000 crores)  times water present on whole earth !!! How can they achieve this dilution ? How can this dilution be effective ? If water has a memory it already had it, why try to make money out of mere 'water? & which 'water memory' is still hidden to science? You 'homeopathic doctor will find it heart-broken !! (also, The split between lower and higher dilutions follows ideological lines. Those favoring low dilutions stressed pathology , while those favoring high dilutions emphasized vital force, miasms and a spiritual interpretation of disease ..wiki)
Spirituality the way it has entered the popular culture using alternative medicine,astrologers, psychics, dowsers, homeopaths, talks to the dead dear ones, diseases cured by pointing beams of colored light at your chakra, channeling spirits & cold readings & all the hocus-pocus Indian stuff (yoga, oneness with the cosmic vibrations etc. etc !! ---In this 21st century war is not only against terrorism BUT also against these pathetic things which throw scientific method & reason, in the backyard !!
13. Yet, people are getting cured?
BUT people are getting cured from Tantrik Babas , Icchadarri babasganga jal , vibhutiprashad , idol worship & drinking water where pilgrims wash there feet too !!!!, Does it anyway proves them correct?  One need to have a scientific tool to separate fact from fiction, reality from imagination.
14. A non-believer can't understand 'metaphysics'.
what sort of intelligence do one require or a criteria to understand this ridiculous stuff ??  some suggests that atheist are intellectually non-satisfying  !....what sort of intellect does 'spirituality' delivers except pathetic metaphysical claims..making public ..dumb fool !
In a nut-shell spirituality tries to be over-smart, by picking stuffs from here & there and presenting it anew ! (from science,, philosophy, mysticism, psychology & religion) . like they say "old wine in new bottle".....spirituality is only positive psychological effect .....just like placebo effect !
------If you are using spirituality as equivalent of 'introspection' nothing bothers anybody ! but reality check is majority of spiritualism is non-directional stupidity !!
------If it gives u sense of awe, wonder , reverence & mystery in the cosmos/nature, then there is better way to channel that, through cosmology or science. Pure observation rather than imagination.
15. Doesn't our body 'reply' greatly to spiritualism/alternative medicine??
It is that we take our healthy body for granted...yet our body toils staggeringly hard every split-second to keep us fit !! it has to !! (simply see the animal world, they have no hospitals, alternative medicine, ganga jal....YET they get healthy after they fall ill ... our innate biological system is so strong we are beginning to think of !! &  we simply credit illogical stuffs whereas our body deserves the dual credit ...
16. We can do extraordinary things if we are spiritually strong. .Doesn't spirituality induces superior strengths/beliefs like gurus & monks which can break iron rods without any pain??
I Think you are  confusing MENTALLY STRONG to "spiritually strong" ! Is osama laden spiritually strong or mentally? gurus, monks & Osama have 1 thing in common STRONG SELF-BELIEF & it can DO wonders..!!(sacrifice, iron rods or crashing plane into WTC). definitely. Neuroscience proves it !! NO NEED OF SPIRITUALITY TOO !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was nice and really force us to ponder on our believes and life style

How did you find the article?